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The Team

Danny Saeteurn - Co-Founder

Gabriel Alvarez - Co-Founder


The Journey 

Danny and Gabriel have been life long friends since junior high school and have always strived to become their best selves having grown up with the cards stacked against them. Both grew up in Richmond, California and both are first generation Americans. 


Danny is currently a Commercial Banker and Gabriel runs his rapidly growing construction company. Although they've come a long way and have busy careers, they know that in order to achieve their life goals, they have to constantly grind and have fun through the process. Their journey started in 2020 during the COVID Pandemic. The fitness equipment industry was in high demand and inventory was very low. With their humble beginnings, humility, years of hard work and life experiences, they put their heads together and decided to come out with their own brand with the vision of providing outstanding products for a great price and exceptional service. 


The Product and the Goal

Danny and Gabriel meticulously hand picked the materials and design for each product. Stylish, sleek, and durable, just to name a few. Integrity of their services and products are at the forefront and each product is thoroughly quality inspected before shipment is made. 100% money back is guaranteed! Every customer engagement Diesel Armory has experienced has been an exceptional one regardless of a sale because they truly strive for their customers.

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